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In the LEGO news ...

Ce n'est plus un secret, LEGO va ressortir un nouveau set Diagon Alley. Ce set reproduira le Chemin de Traverse, cette rue commerçante située à Londres et imaginée par J.K. Rowling où l'on retrouve diverses boutiques à caractère magique.

Une description officielle LEGO est disponible :

LEGO® Harry Potter ™ Diagon Alley ™ (75978) is a superb recreation of London’s most magical shopping street for fans of the Harry Potter movies aged 16 and up.

Iconic stores packed with authentic movie details

Measuring more than a meter wide, the impressive model captures the scale and ambience of the bustling magic-supplies hub. Behind magnificent facades lie intriguing interiors, fascinating features and familiar characters. Check out the wands at Ollivanders; drop in on Gilderoy Lockhart’s book-signing event at Flourish & Blotts bookseller; obtain a love potion from Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes; and peruse the products and paraphernalia at Scribbulus Writing Implements, Quality Quidditch Supplies, Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor and the Daily Prophet.

• This large LEGO Harry Potter Diagon Alley (75978) display model gives fans of the Harry Potter movies aged 16 and up a chance to recreate magical London’s most magical shopping street.

• Includes Ollivanders Wand Shop, Scribbulus Writing Implements, Quality Quidditch Supplies, Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor, Flourish & Blotts bookseller, Weasleys Wizard Wheezes and the Daily Prophet entrance. • Authentic accessories and familiar minifigures from the Harry Potter movies make it possible to create a ‘living model’ with endless possibilities to rearrange and create new narratives.

• Measuring over 11 ”(29cm) high, 40” (102cm) wide and 5 ”(13cm) deep, this LEGO® Harry Potter Diagon Alley set is crammed to the rooftops with authentic details. • No batteries required. This modular construction set provides a hands-on, fulfilling building experience. Even the famous hat-lifting entrance to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes is powered by hand.

En résumé, cela dit que l'on aura une rue de plus d'un mètre de long incluant la boutique de baguettes de Olivander, la librairie Flourish & Blotts, la boutique des jumeaux Weasley,... Donc, ce sera un set à l'échelle minifig de 5544 pièces... c'est une bonne nouvelle !

75978 - Diagon Alley (5544 pièces - 399,99 €)

On annonce la présence de 14 figurines (pas encore confirmées) :

D'autres sets ont reproduit le chemin de Traverse : le set 10217 Diagon Alley (2011) et le set "microscale" 40289 Diagon Alley (2018).

10217 - Diagon Alley➔ Fiche du set

40289 - Diagon Alley➔ Fiche du set

Ce set sera disponible ce 1er septembre en même que la nouvelle série 71028 Harry Potter 2 ➔ Voir l'article